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Support for local orphanages

At Venax, we value the values and tenets of corporate social responsibility. In support of the needs of the local community, our company has partnered with the Strzelin Cultural Center. As a result, we were able to support local orphanages with many educational materials.

Support of local orphanages

At Venax, we value the values and tenets of corporate social responsibility. In support of the needs of the local community, our company has partnered with the Strzelin Cultural Center. As a result, we were able to support local orphanages with a variety of educational materials.

Our support for local orphanages

Venax actively supports local institutions that help the needy and solve social problems. Our cooperation and funding for the Strzelin Cultural Center translated into smiles for the wards of orphanages. We are very proud of this!

Our main goal was to give children from local centers a better start and learning conditions. We hope that the new educational materials will allow them to acquire knowledge more easily and, as a result, get a proper education.

Our help was recognized and awarded with a certificate from the Strzelin Cultural Center.

Assistance to children's homes is necessary

When a child loses his legal guardians, he needs a place to live until he finds new permanent care. If no foster caregivers exist, they are placed in orphanages, where they grow up with their peers.

Children's homes are mainly funded by county governments, but within these subsidies these funds are not always sufficient to meet all the needs of their wards. As a result, local orphanages often need additional financial support.

Orphanages that cooperate with companies and corporate organizations often fortunately have sufficient funds to provide a much better experience for their charges. Such facilities offer access to a wealth of educational materials, as well as qualified and capable educators.

As a result, children from such centers have a better chance of getting an adequate education that will make it easier for them to find a rewarding job in adulthood.

At Venax, we are eager to get involved in various social initiatives, including helping local orphanages.

We want to solve the problems of orphanages

It is necessary to involve many organizations and individuals to overcome the challenges associated with the problems of orphaned children. We deeply respect and appreciate those who persevere to achieve this. 

Many organizations are working to reduce the time children spend in orphanages. Media activists, charitable foundations that organize grassroots foster care, groups that try to prevent family separation by fighting poverty. It is thanks to them that the wards of orphanages can quickly make contact with families willing to take them under their wings. 

We want to continue supporting centers that are not properly funded until their wards are placed with loving families.

Every child deserves a chance to develop. We believe that with our support we have the opportunity to provide the wards of local childcare centers with proper educational conditions.


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