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Support for young sportsmen

At Venax, we care not only about the satisfaction of our customers, but also about local social and cultural initiatives. We are committed to supporting sports groups, including young boxers with national success.

Supporting young athletes

At Venax, we care not only about the satisfaction of our customers, but also about local social and cultural initiatives. We are committed to supporting sports groups, including young boxers with national success.

We actively support the boxing club

We are proud to be one of the most active carriers, but this is not the only measure of our success. We also try to direct our activities to support social initiatives - local ones and more.

As Venax, we actively support, among other things, a team of young athletes training boxing. Members of this club achieve success on the national stage and are even in the Polish national team!

We want to direct our resources to projects and initiatives that make a real contribution to society.

Why is it so important to support athletes?

From equipment and nutrition to competition fees and bus tickets, the list of costs faced by talented young athletes seems endless.

Many of them use their home budgets to finance their progress in the sport. However, even their biggest supporters, such as their parents, often have limited financial resources. This can result in a difficult decision - to continue training on a limited basis and compete in more competitions, or to abandon this path due to budget problems.

The prospect of competing at high levels motivates young athletes to represent their city or country. They show a tremendous level of dedication, commitment and devotion to their sports ambitions.

Committed young boxers know that their development and climbing up the sports ladder comes at a cost. Equipment, sportswear, training fees or a healthy diet involve monthly expenses. This is a challenge faced by athletes and their caregivers.

At Venax, we are aware of this. Therefore, we provide a variety of forms for local athletes to get the most out of their skills.

The support of sports teams will benefit all of us

Supporting athletes is crucial on the path of their professional development. Without it, the further development of their careers can be effectively stunted, putting them at risk of abandoning their passion.

This problem can be solved by the concept of local businesses supporting sports teams. This provides athletes with access to resources that will allow them to march for victory. Moreover, with the presence of social media, they can inspire the next generation of athletes and players.

With the help and sponsorship, athletes receive the necessary assistance on their way to the next level of competition. This means less financial pressure and, consequently, a focus on improving their skills.

Supporting young athletes has great potential. The future of many teams looks brighter once they receive adequate assistance. This is the mindset that every company that wants to care about the development of sports in our country should adopt.


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